Tuesday, January 30, 2007

I've got too many of these sorts of random accumulations to count. Some ugly little piece of quartz that was given to Sean as part of a birthday present and a couple of postcard paintings. The pictures were given to me out at a bar one night, slapdash acrylics that an artist did so she could write the info for her art opening on the back. Never went to the opening. Don't even know who the woman is, and yet these have sat above my sink for several years. The lucky bamboo plant whose leaves are just peaking into the pic is also a random accumulation, left behind by my last roommate and though sickly for many months, it refuses to die. Does that mean my luck, while not particularly good, will not entirely run out either? Some of this stuff might go in a good spring cleaning/garage sale, but honestly, I like a bit of bric-a-brac. I don't often actually see much of this stuff, it passes through my vision undetected, but when I do focus down on one object or another my memory gets jogged and heaven knows it needs a little work out now and then.

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