Wednesday, January 17, 2007

For those who know me best, the idea of me as "The Queen of Good Enough" is not a new one. I have often spouted the phrase "Embrace your mediocrity." It sounds bad, but let's be honest, who among us is truly great? Certainly not me. I suppose I could cast this in a more Taoist light and say that I'm simply following the middle path, but that would be stretching it.

I've been reminded of my slacker ways lately when working at the new office space I'm renting a few days a week. It's truly lovely. The women who've created the space have an attention to detail that makes my home office look very homemade. It's not that my space is messy or filthy or rag-tag. I like it a lot better than some of the massage spaces I've been in. It is definitely good enough and it's definitely not great.

I don't know what's made me this way. When my father called me "DL," short for "Dead Lazy," was he imprinting an identity on me that I've been unable to shake or was he simply recognizing an inherent trait? A little bit of both, perhaps.

I'll never have a completely clean and perfectly decorated house. I'll never be as knowledgeable and thorough a massage therapist as i could be. I'll never get all the cat fur off my rather drab clothes or get to the gym as often as I should. I honestly don't care. I do hold out the hope, however, that I will exceed my own expectations of mediocrity and write something really good. Good enough is good enough only in the minor things of life.

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