Saturday, January 31, 2009

I dream of a white washed room where I wake up in a bundle of late morning sun that got caught in the sheets. My eyes skip across the boards above my bed over to where the door bends out of its frame and can no longer be locked. You have already escaped to cook something sweet in the kitchen. And outside is the ocean and the ocean and the ocean.


  1. I like your Zap. Lovely photos and words. Keep Zapping.

  2. I found you though Clark.
    This is a beautiful post. Makes me want to be there. Smelling the coffee and listening to the ocean.

  3. Have I told you how gorgeous your blog is--YOU are...? I love reading it. It's poetry, it's philosophy, it's refreshing and lovely.

  4. Awww, you guys are sweet. Thanks for your encouragement and inspiration.
