Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The bad news is that this is the only spot of blue in the sky this morning. The good news is that this is a spot of blue in the sky this morning.

Just because it's easy to be cynical doesn't mean you shouldn't be. There is an endless supply of fuel for that fire. However, today and maybe for the next few days I am allowing a bit of optimism into my outlook. Afterall, sometimes the sheep accidentally end up following a good path (okay, even my optimism has to be tinged with cynicism...sorry). Sometimes the idiots shoot themselves in the foot. The sheep will eventually stray. The old idiots will hand the gun off to the new idiots. But today, I breath a sigh of relief. So long, Rummy. Santorum is toast. Our local mean little man was sent packing. And even though this happened days ago, this hypocrite was exposed for what his obviously soulless eyes have been saying all along, i.e. I love gay prostitutes and meth!

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