Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Ah, the street of broken dreams, shattered hopes and now...Road Rage! Apparently, sometime yesterday a guy in his car got pisssed about some kids crossing against the light at one of the main intersections on Hawthorne. The guy parks, gets out of his car and starts yelling at the kids. A viscious beating ensues. Next thing you know, the driver is slumped outside of Starbucks and bleeding all over the sidewalk. Idiots all around!

Business owners around here worry about surviving in a town that has a new chic shopping district popping up every season. They hang banners and buy decorative medallions. They throw parties and street fairs. They periodically rip down all the flyers stapled to the poles. But none of that is going to change the fact that mixed in with the interesting, intelligent and wonderful people of this neighborhood are a bunch of assholes that stalk the streets and make shopping here an adventure more than a joy. Despite this, I always breath a sigh of relief once I'm back on this side of the river. My funny little home.

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