Tuesday, April 06, 2010


I'm done. The book is done. The file is saved in a dozen different places. The words are fixed. It feels less strange than I thought it would. As the end neared, I procrastinated a bit, not wanting to seal this world up for good. Not wanting to resign my characters once and for all to the fates I'd chosen for them. But overall, it was anticlimactic.

I've written this book half a dozen times, at least. With each earlier draft, I felt great joy and relief for my accomplishments. This time, I simply feel done. The cement has dried. It feels less like an accomplishment and more like a simple fact. I'm 5'10", have brown hair, and wrote a novel.

The state of publishing today is daunting to say the least. The long, hard trial of trying to find a place in the world for my story brings a sickening swell to my stomach. I can't imagine NOT trying, but I'm also weighing how much of my life I'll allow to be consumed by the process. It's a good story. I've worked very very hard at it. All I can do is hope for a little luck.

With that, I close my eyes and start dreaming into my next project.


  1. Is this novel you gave me to read a year (or longer?) ago? I'm so glad you're done. Now to query! (Blah...) I still feel bad that I never got back to you...Last year: crappy year. And then it seemed too late. Please know it wasn't about your story. As ever, you are a beautiful writer.

  2. Hey Lisa
    No worries about the feedback. I'll take any querying advice you have though. Here's to a better year!

  3. I would like to read it again, please.
