Saturday, October 17, 2009

I'm signed up for Nanowrimo. The goal is to write a novel (or 50,000 words) in one month. My personal goal will be to prevent a nasty ear-biting bar brawl with my own psyche. I like to edit and fuss. I like to stop and savor the three lovely sentences I've written then pat myself on the back for a hard day's work. Keeping that instinct at bay is going to be hard. Very hard.

The last few months of writing have been painfully slow. If I'm going to tap into the flow of swift and heavily flawed prose, then I'm going to have to get in shape, grab a few books and do some arm curls. Jack LaLane, show me the way.


  1. Do it! Eric R. and I did it last year, and while I ended up veering way off course and heading back to short stories, he thoroughly cranked on it. It was good for me, too - it got me to focus on finishing the collection. Something about the light pressure of checking in at the Nano site and adding your daily word totals was a huge shove in the back. I'm doing it again this year, only with the intent of getting at least a few solid chapters done.

  2. Yee haw, baby. You'll do great. And I'll cheer you on. And read your draft. Goooooooooooooooooooo Tracy!


    P.s. my word verification was "nonose." Your blog is insulting me.

  3. Thanks for the support Matt and Jordan. I'm hoping, at the very least, to guilt myself into getting through the whole month. Wouldn't want to be the lame-ass that claimed she was going to write a novel then only wrote three pages.
