Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Over the five days of my trip I must have spent no more than half an hour alone. Much of our time was spent driving from one pretty place to another where we would hop out of the car, snap a few pictures and drive off again. An obligation to record rather than an impulse to appreciate.

And so, with that, I announce that I'm taking a break from this weird blogging world. Maybe it's a result of spending so many back-to-back hours with my partially deaf 94 year old grandmother and my loud, argumentative mother, but silence and privacy now sound like the ultimate ideal.

Thanks for visiting.


  1. say it isn't so! o.k.., maybe it makes for the most passive friendship ever, but I feel like I'm in touch with you through reading your blog.

    I was just thinking that I would try to be a better blogger and maybe post a photo a day... we shall see how that goes. -- I'm in my first show in two years. showing old work but work nonetheless.


  2. Hey, just when I was getting the hand of visiting my pals' blogs -- though hadn't left a comment until now.

    Drop an email: how's novel revisions proceeding?

    Cheers, Lisa
